Database containing the names of staff who have worked in the division


List of published and unpublished works about the 9th Infantry Division during WWII

Wall of honor

Faces behind names, the wall of the fallen between 8 November 1942 to 11 May 1945


Archive of documents and objects from the 9th Infantry Division during WWII

Latest Articles

A selection of our most recent articles about the 9th Infantry Division in World War II.

The 9th Infantry Division enters Belgium, on September 2nd, 1944 Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson’s diary entry for 2 September 1944 reads: « Were reported to be the first troops in Belgium ». There was no doubt in his mind […]
Born Nov. 30, 1917, Mr. Voller grew up in Cicero, the second youngest of eight children. He graduated from Wilson Elementary School in 1932 and Morton High School in 1936. He spent just a semester […]
The condition of the Afro-American soldiers within the U.S. Army has always been subject to studies, and their effort to join the fight is now well-known. There are some famous units such as 555th Parachute […]


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